CROIG got it's humble beginnings in 2013 at the dawn of Instagram. David Chang, a mid-level-20-something working in a marketing meat grinder, spending most of his time daydreaming of cafe racers, noticed the first flashes of social media virality -- a page called "Cats of Instagram." 1+1=2 ... @caferacersofinstagram was born. Except now it's actually a million or more.

The last 12 years has been a whirlwind of motorcycle events, charities, trips, projects, sponsorships, collaborations and other shenanigans, intimately documented and beamed across the world. Just like motorcyclists often flock together, the individuals and communities uncovered along the CROIG adventure has become a network of passionate motorcyclists of all kinds.

Today, CROIG dabbles in all kinds of motorcycles and motorcycle related things, but the spirit of the cafe racer: youth, speed, discovery, connection, self determination and individuality is still the core ethos that keeps the throttle pinned. In 2025, we'll be giving away some awesome motorcycles. Can't wait to see where the rest of this journey takes us.